Mr Clovis Michael, RIP
8th July 1927 - 2nd October 2018
It was with great sadness that we heard about the recent passing of Mr Clovis Michael, our oldest member of the Deptford Allotments and Gardens Association. He will always be remembered as a great character and will be truly missed by everyone.

On Thursday 1st November 2018, St Catherine’s Church, Telegraph Hill rammed to the rafters.... the biggest funeral attendance the vicar of 7 years had witnessed.
Mr Henry (Daniel) who shared a plot with Clovis made a lovely eulogy recounting their parallel lives. They both grew up in same parish and school. Ironic that Clovis’ journey ended at St Catherine’s because that was the parish he came from in Jamaica all those years ago.
Clovis ‘the genius’, as he was dubbed due to his fantastic expertise in anything practical, also had a fantastic family of 10 children, 33 grandchildren and 6 great great grandchildren! These stats no doubt part explain the enormous turn out for a 90+ year old’s funeral.