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DAGA Constitution 


1. Name

a. The name of the Association shall be ‘Deptford Allotments and Gardens Association’ (DAGA).


2. Objectives

a. To promote the interests of DAGA’s plot holders and of others admitted to the Association.

b. To co-operate with other organizations having similar objectives.

c. To negotiate with the Authorities with regards to the tenure and general interests of members.

d. To encourage the management and cultivation of the Allotments in a sustainable and wildlife-friendly way.

e. To protect members’ plots and possessions from damage, trespass and theft.

In pursuit of these Objectives DAGA is non-political and will not discriminate on the grounds of age, disability, gender, race, religion or sexual orientation.


3. Membership

a. Membership shall be open to residents of the Borough of Lewisham and such others as the Organising Group approve.

b. All plot holders must be members of DAGA with a maximum of two named members per plot.

c. The Organising Group shall keep an up to date list of DAGA members detailing the following: name and full contact details (e.g. address, phone and email)

d. Any member may request to see their entry in the official list of members. Members should notify any changes of details to the Secretary.

e. A chronological list of potential new members will be kept by the Organising Group.

f. Potential members become full members following an invitation by the Organising Group to join DAGA, signature of a contract agreeing to abide by the rules and payment of the membership fee

f. Each member shall have one vote which can be exercised to elect the Organising Group and vote on duly proposed motions at General Meetings at the AGM.

g. Membership shall cease in the event of:

i. death

ii. Resignation

iii Non payment of the annual subscriptions unless the DAGA committee is made aware of any circumstances preventing payment of membership fees by 31st December - membership shall cease. The DAGA committee has discretion to extend this deadline in special circumstances.

iv. Expulsion by the Organising Group following disputes resolution and enforcement procedure.

h. On termination of membership keys must be returned to the Organising Group.
i. All members of the Organising Group must be current members of DAGA and only current members can stand for the Organising Group.


4. Membership fee

a. The Organising Group will present price increases, as part of the Treasurer's Report at the AGM, for agreement by members.

b. All members must pay an annual membership fee and all membership fees must be paid by the late August bank holiday after which date a £10 fine will be added.


5. The Organising Group

a. The Organising Group shall be elected at the AGM each year and shall be responsible for the running of the Association between meetings. The Organising Group has the power to co-opt other persons as required.

b. It is the function of the Organising Group to run the Association between AGMs within the constitution, rules and guidelines set by members at the AGM.


6. Officers

a. The Officers of the Association shall serve as Organising Group members and be elected annually at the AGM.

b. The Officers are to consist of Secretary, Treasurer, Chair and any other members deemed suitable by the AGM.


7. General meetings

a. The AGM shall be in October at which new Organising Group members will be elected

b. The Officers/Organising Group shall call other General Meetings of members as required.


8. Funds

a. Funds and accounts shall be kept in good order by the Treasurer.

b. A Bank Account to be opened at such a bank as the Organising Group may decide


9. Audit

a. Two (2) auditors should be elected at the Annual General Meeting who are not members of the Organising Group, to audit the accounts annually at such times as the Organising Group may direct. The auditors shall report to the AGM and Organising Group as required.


10. Affiliation

a. The Association shall affiliate to the NSALG and such other organizations as the Organising Group may decide.



a. The Organising Group may terminate the membership of any member whose conduct is proved to their satisfaction to be detrimental to the interests of their fellow members. Any charge against any member must be communicated to the committee in writing. An appeal against the decision of the Organising Group may be made at a General Meeting of Members.


12. Alterations

a. The Rules and the Constitution may be amended by a two thirds (2/3) majority of members at the AGM.


13. Other matters

a. Any matter not provided for in the Constitution or in the Rules shall be dealt with by the Organising Group at their discretion.


14. Dissolution

a. In the event of the dissolution of DAGA, all assets would be redistributed among members equally.


15. Rules of conduct and contract (and change to tenancy agreement)

a. The Organising Group shall compile rules for the conduct of members and business as required. These rules will be approved by members at the AGM. and included in the Members' Handbook, which will also include the new members tenancy form.

© 2025 DAGA Deptford Allotments and Gardens Association, Brockley, London, England

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