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March - Jobs for this month.....



Complete any unfinished digging and winter pruning. 

Keep on top of the weeds ... it will save you a lot of work later in the year.

Install guttering and a water butt on your shed, greenhouse or polytunnel. Harvesting FREE rainwater is now essential for DAGA members.



Plant out early cultivars of potatoes as soon as possible and follow on planting out at regular intervals with the second earlies and first main crops until the end of the month.

Plant out onion sets, shallots and garlic before they start to produce shoots. 

Sow in rows in the open ground seeds of round seeded spinach, Swiss chard, early types of beetroot, carrots, parsnips, lettuce, spring onions, peas, broad beans and turnips. 

Plant asparagus crowns and Jerusalem artichokes.

You could also sow aubergines, chillies, peppers and tomatoes under cover. 




Clear the old leaves off strawberry plants and clean up the ground in between the plants before giving them a top dressing of a general fertiliser.

Feed fruit trees and bushes.

Plant bare root strawberry runners.

Last month to plant apple and pear trees.



© 2025 DAGA Deptford Allotments and Gardens Association, Brockley, London, England

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