Annual May Bank Holiday Plot Inspection – May 24/25 2014
1. Introduction:
Following the November AGM, the plot inspection function was combined with custody of the waiting list. CS also volunteered his services so the group now comprises RS (plot18) convenor, SW (plot 01) and CS (plot 41). They now form the Plot Inspection and Allocation Group (PIAG). A notice explaining this was posted in May 2014 three weeks prior to the May inspection (see appendix 1). A revised waiting list was also posted.
PIAG report to the DAGA Committee on completion of May inspection.
2. Procedure:
1 The pro forma that was revised the previous year was again used. It is based on the Rules of DAGA as agreed at the AGM of 2012 (which can be found on the website at ) and individual contractual obligations. One significant change was the requirement that plots demonstrate 80% cultivation (agreed at November 2013 AGM).
2 In April, PIAG conducted a pre-inspection review and identified six plots that caused concern. The six plot holders were sent emails asking if all was OK. Three responded immediately and meetings held in person.
3 PIAG worked closely with the Committee member responsible for contracts. It was considered important to clearly assign a name against each plot. To this end, much time was given to updating the members’ database.
4 PIAG reviewed the waiting list in tandem with identifying vacant plots.
3. Findings:
1 General:
Pre inspection – in April, PIAG identified 6 plots that merited early warning of concern – plots 5,7,8,15, 33 and E5:
1 on plots 8 and 33. PIAG was able to assist by strimming long grasses;
2 plot holder 7 responded to a phone text message that was sent a week after the emails; however no activity on the plot was noted;
3 no mobile number was recorded for plot holder 15 who failed to respond to the email communication. Eventually, PIAG was able to communicate via landline;
4 Plot E5 was relinquished and a new tenant now occupies.
2 Sub letting: Plots 26A and 29 are being cultivated by non DAGA
Members i.e. persons without contracts. Plot 26A has been divided into two sections.
3 Waiting list: Plots E5, E7 and 10B have been taken on by next in line on the waiting list.. Plot holder E3 has taken on E1 and will pay the full fee from November 2014.
One plot holder (9B) was informed that the plot was being offered to the waiting list due to neglect and non-payment Nov 2013. Following a swift apologetic response and payment of outstanding fees, the plot holder was re-instated on a one year review basis.
4 Contracts: There are now 55 plots, 48 plot holders/members. Only 17 of the 55 plots could offer signed contracts pre-inspection. At the time of the inspection weekend 20+ contracts remain unsigned!
As of May 26 2014 there are no unallocated plots.
2 Plot (1-4) – see section 4.1 for actions required by individual plot holders
3 Back Railway fence (6-8)
The following plots have existing structures withjin 6 feet of railway fence : 46,45,42,40,39,30 as identified and recorded at the 2013 inspection.
4 Safety (9)
Fence adjoining rear neighbours is falling over – plots 21/20
6 Communal Footpath (12-16)
Derelict shed straddling plots 35 and 36;
There have been complaints that bins/boxes are in the way on path at bottom end.
4. Discussion
1 PIAG feels an earlier inspection would be to everyone’s advantage. It would certainly allow more time to identify neglected plots and take action earlier in the growing season. As the overall standard of the plots and site improves year on year, the problem areas are now becoming easier to identify and action can be taken earlier in the year. In truth, much of the PIAG inspection work is ongoing and is not restricted to the official inspection weekend. PIAG would present to the Committee nearly one month earlier.
2 It is a useful exercise to contact cause for concerns plots prior to full inspection. In a number of instances it has alerted DAGA to members who have fallen ill, had an accident during the winter or for other reasons are experiencing temporary difficulty. Any plot contacted in this manner should be offered assistance and placed on a review alert for one year.
3 The Committee needs to confirm which sub-letting arrangements they have agreed. Currently, there are people who are working plots on site who are not known and whose particulars are not recorded on the database. It is a transgression of a plot holder’s contract (condition 4) to sub-let ‘without written consent of the Committee’. Plot 26A has been sub divided and the irony is that we have somebody working 26A who is on the waiting list!
4 This spring we have managed to reduce the waiting list by 4. One declined and three accepted offers and now work plots E5, E7 and 10B. An updated waiting list was posted on the notice-board.
4.1 Plots: Overall most of the plots have been worked on and are 80 percent cleared and reasonably clean. But there is a concern that some plot holders are only clearing their plots prior to the plot inspection without regular attention through rest of the year.
Committee to advise on ACTIONS required for the following:
E1- E3 plot holder has taken over this plot, she has been putting rubbish on the other side of the facing path. She states that she is NOT physically able to put the rubbish in a wheelbarrow and dispose of it in the tip? Persons responsible for rubbish must clear as per contract.
She also has a problem with the amount of heavy rubbish on her allotment and is quite annoyed that she has to clear her own plot of this rubbish. DAGA to consider how site is maintained.
E7 - The size of this plot has been marked out and confirmed 23 - 60 feet; it was also confirmed that the front of the plot needs clearing
E8 - the new tenant has been told about the size 23 - 60 feet. The oak tree which is in the middle of her plot needs to be cut by a tree surgeon.
E4 plot holder has marked out an area for a poly tunnel on the communal area in the middle of the E plots, this cannot be allowed unless the communal area is made into two small plots and she takes one of them for her poly tunnel. To be resolved via PIAG.
03 has worked the middle of his plot for two years, but has not worked the front or back part of the plot;, this needs to be tackled, grass and seeds encroach onto the two facing plots. NOT 80% - letter needed
07 - this plot is overgrown on all sides and has been like this for a few years it is grassed for a kids area not an allotment. Nothing has happened this year despite PIAG email/phone text communictions NOT 80% - letter needed
15 - plot holder has been contacted, her plot is very overgrown, this needs to be closely monitored; this has happened for past two years. NOT 80% - letter needed
16 has sub-blet some of his plot, a fence has been erected making this into two plots 16A & 16B. There is some uncertainty as to whether the person who he has sublet to was actually on the waiting list.- see rec 4
17 - top end of his allotment has been over grown and at the back end needs some clearing of the grass areas. NOT 80% - letter needed
25 – not dug this year by plot holder NOT 80% - letter needed
26A – back end; the non member has laid foundation for shed within 6 feet of railway fence, Committee to advise
27 – new constructions within 6 feet of railway fence Committee to advise
35 – runner bean strip needs narrowing by one foot to maintain 6 feet footpath Committee to advise
44/45 –wooden posts for DAGA fence construction on plot Committee to advise
4.3 Back railway fence: Any structures beyond those identified in 2013 report (46,45,42,40,39,30) will be built with minimum 6 feet space between railway fence – see action required for plot 27 above.
4.4 Safety: Overall, safety is improving but should be a key focus of coming year.
6 Communal Footpath:
Bins on the path at bottom end should be moved.
The first allotment front entrance plot 46 needs to lose three to four foot near the path on the corner to make the communal area into a square. PIAG has discussed with plot holder who is in agreement.
There is trouble with the loading area outside the main gate to the allotments, a warden has already booked one plot holder for parking there even though we have been told that we can load and un-load.
5. Recommendations
1 The Committee to agree to bring the annual plot inspection forward to the FIRST May Bank holiday.
2 The Committee write to those plots (5,7,8.15 and 33) identified as cause for concern at the pre-inspection review to confirm that each plot holder may continue for current year but renewal of contract is subject to review in December 2014 and May 2015 – proposed wording attached Appendix 1
3 The Committee write to those plots(25 and 37) identified as cause for concern at the inspection review to confirm that each plot holder may continue for current year but renewal of contract is subject to review in December 2014 and May 2015 – proposed wording attached Appendix 2.
4 The Committee to confirm it has written agreement for the subletting on plots 29, 26A, 21 and16. Currently it would appear plots 16, 21 and 29 have varying levels of Committee approval but not plot 26A.
5 Plot holder 26A does not garden this plot and is in breach of contract condition 4. There are three options for the Committee:
In the terms of the contract s/he should be expelled;
this lot should be offered to next on waiting list for 2014/2015 ;
the current incumbents be allowed to continue but they are entered as the named plot holders.
6 Plot holder 29 does garden this plot and has agreed that the back half, to be designated as 29B should be offered to next on waiting list for 2014/2015.
7 Those plots (46,45,42,40,39,30) with structures within 6 feet of railway fence be allowed to remain. Any construction post 2013 inspection will need approval of Committee / PIAG.
8 The shed straddling plots 35 and 36 needs dismantling. PIAG to put up notice with deadline as directed by the Committee – DATE NEEDED.
9 There is potential for an extra plot up in the E area, bordering the railway / bee area. PIAG to investigate.
10 A retaining wall should be erected to stop the gravel damaging the neighbours fences where the entrance to the allotments are.
11 Most of the plots at the back end leading onto the railway fencing do need to be cleared and some of the trees need to be cut to bring in more light and to get rid of old dead trees.
12 Clarification is needed re parking restrictions / loading and unloading; a sign indicating what is permissible would help / disc to put in windscreen. PIAG has spoken with Noe / negotiator.
13 DAGA needs a system whereby essential common work is carried out eg assist in the clearing of rubbish legacy eg E plots at top end, dismantling derelict sheds and clearing DAGA common ground as well as path maintenance but also regular tasks such as toilet maintenance and emptying of the bins!
14 See list of actions at 4.1 where Committee decisions required on individual plots.
15 Keys should only be issued to those who have signed and submitted contracts.
APPENDIX 1 Letter to pre-inspection plots – 5, 7, 8, 15 and 33
Dear x ,
Re Plot x
You were contacted by PIAG prior to the annual plot inspection and warned that your plot fell below the standards required.
Fortunately, discussions have taken place and in most cases actions have been taken to assist in improving the standard for the current growing season.
You are now under review and extension of your contract beyond 2014 will be dependent on satisfying PIAG inspection in November and May 2015.
Chair of DAGA
On behalf of Plot Inspection and Allocation Group – PIAG
APPENDIX 2 Letter to Inspection Fails
Dear x ,
Re Annual Inspection and Plot x
The PIAG group has identified your plot as causing concern i.e. your plot falls below the standards required.
Please make sure you speak with a member of PIAG to discuss your situation. If you are finding it difficult to maintain your plot we need to know and perhaps we can arrive at a solution which will be to your benefit.
You are now under review and extension of your contract beyond 2014 will be dependent on making contact with a member of PIAG, having a discussion and satisfying PIAG inspection in November and May 2015.
Chair of DAGA
On behalf of Plot Inspection and Allocation Group – PIAG