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Annual Bank Holiday Plot Inspection – May 01/02/03 2016 carried out by the Plot Inspection and Allocation Group (PIAG)


1.  Introduction:

As established at the November AGM of 2013, the plot inspection function was combined with custody of the waiting list. EJ (plot 38) and IS (plot 39B) are the two new DAGA members this year. IS has also taken on the Association Secretary role and EJ has joined PIAG. (Four new members joined the previous year).

Following the November 2015 AGM SN (Plot 30) and EJ (Plot 39) were added to the PIAG team to join RS (plot18) and SW (plot 01. As always, other plot-holders are invited to join.  


PIAG report to the DAGA Organising Group on completion of May inspection.


2.  Procedure:


1 This is the second time the inspection has taken place at MayBank holiday. This is ONE MONTH earlier than previously.


2  The earlier date allows PIAG to identify plots causing concern and to enter into dialogue with the plot holders concerned. In some cases this results in a plot being freed up and people on the waiting list being contacted.


3  The inspection pro forma is  based on the Rules of DAGA as agreed at the AGM of 2012 (which can be found on the website at ) and individual contractual obligations.  Plot-holders are required to demonstrate 80% cultivation (agreed at November 2013 AGM).


4 PIAG reviewed the members list so that it accurately captures plot-holders and associates, updated the xls database for 2015-16 and revised the waiting list.


2  Actions since 2015 report:

1 One month earlier inspection introduced to allow more time to identify neglected plots and take action earlier in the growing season.

2 It was agreed to position clear signs to remind individual plot holders:


a) of their responsibility to keep PATH clear for the benefit of all and

b) that there is to be NO growing of vegetables within path parameters? There is an increase in members growing runner beans etc on pathside of fences thus

1. Reducing width of footpath and 2. Impact on water supply.

c) Inconsiderate use of water at lower end can effect top end members. Clear signs needed to remind Members of collective responsibility.


3 The group appointed at the November AGM to submit plans for the communal area / dumping ground failed to report by Easter as requested. Consequently PIAG has taken the initiative to:

a) negotiate with plot holder 46

b) get fence erected



4 Tree surgeons had attended in April 2016. As agreed at the 2015 AGM they concentrated their efforts on dealing with trees along Norbert Rd houses’ adjoining fence and were present for three days.


5 A member has volunteered to maintain toilet to high standard


6 Clarity needed re the bee area – plan and timeline…named person not achieved although oak tree interference dealt with by the tree surgeons.




1.  General upkeep:  

The overall standard of the site and the quality of individual plots has significantly improved.  Plots that merit a particular mention:

  • New members EJ (plot 38) and MW (plot 03)  – fantastic progress on their plots

  • M (plot 05) and D/C (plot 04) T(plot 08B) clearing the jungle and reclaiming front of plots.

  • S, plot 30, banking and reclaiming common ground path side.

  • M on making the transition to new plot 32


1 Path maintenance:

  • path must be minimum of 6 foot in width

  • each plot holders is responsible for keeping grass cut

At time of inspection long sections of the path were not being maintained.


2 Unprotected poles and canes:

  • Exposed pointed tips of canes and posts present a serious health hazard.  

  • The following plots need to attend to this matter asap:

MR – plot 25 ;   V - plot 33; M - plot  40;  A – plot 24; F - plot 15; A - plot 09B

3 Individual plots

The following plots did not meet standard and have been contacted by PIAG on behalf of the Association:

  • AW –plot 09B  : emailed 05/05

  • MR – plot 25  

  • DB  – plot 37   : emailed 05/05

  • SR  – plot E2   : texted 05/05

  • ST  – plot 08A : emailed 05/05

  • KJ  – plot 16    : texted 05/05

© 2025 DAGA Deptford Allotments and Gardens Association, Brockley, London, England

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